Briefs history of Oblate Hospital Franciscan Sisters

Monna TessaThe Oblate Hospitaller Franciscan sisters received from their Foundress, Monna Tessa, (Florence XIII th Century) a Franciscan tertiary, the mission to bear witness to the love of Christ for the suffering
Mindful of the words of Jesus "I was sick, and you visited me". (Mt 25, 36). The Oblates dedicate themselves generously to the health care, recognizing the hospitals above all as particularly suited places for evangelization, to witness and exercise every Christian virtues and values.
Our Congregation derives its original inspiration from the words of the Gospel: "I was sick, and you visited me". (Mt 25, 36) and lives today its mission in the Church fully aware of the actuality of its Charism. Besides Our service Hospitals we also render our services to the places there are also places very suitable for authentic human development.

Oblate Hospital Franciscan Sisters

Oblate: offer as a oblation for the service of the sick people.

Hospital: in the wake of the Good Samaritan accommodate their needs.

Franciscan: animated by the ideal of charity 'Christian flourished on example of St. Francisce.

Sisters: have full ecclesiastical rights and follow vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

Our Charism

hospital service

The Congregation's aim is to devote oneself completely and wholly to the care of the ill.

Fraternal life

old age homes

"now the company of those who believed were of one heart and one soul". (Act. 4,32)

Spiritual life


The communal prayer is the source and the essential expression of our personal and fraternal life.